Rick and Morty BD Card and Life Update!

What's up Crafty Friends!? So, I'm super sorry about the long hiatus, I was very pregnant and didn't have a lot of crafty mojo there for a few months. Little Miss Luna finally decided to make her appearance on July 27th at 9:37 PM. Her daddy was lucky enough to be allowed to deliver her (under Dr's supervision) and was instantly surrounded in love by so many family members. Now that almost 2 months have gone by, I'm starting to get back in my groove. Perfect timing too, because my order from Ink Road Stamps came in a few days ago! As soon as I got my hands on the new Rick and Morty sets Let's Get Riggity Riggity Wrecked and Get Shwifty I knew I wanted to make a portal card! So I grabbed my Distress Oxides in Fossilized Amber, Mowed Lawn, And Rustic Wilderness, and proceeded to apply the first 2 to a scrap piece of cardstock in a swirl and the Rustic Wilderness in blotches. Next I wanted to created the splotches of white, so I splattered my background with wat...