Get Your Mojo Back with Oddball Stamps and Challenges

Hey Crafty Gems! I hope all is well! I'm sorry I haven't posted many projects lately; Life just keeps throwing me curve balls. Fortunately, this week I've felt pretty good and I've been itching to get back into my crafty mess! Perfect timing, too, because Oddball Stamps is hosting a fun slump busting challenge over on the website! This week's challenge is 7 ATC's in 7 Days . I'm a bit behind, but I'm still super eager to join in and get my creative juices flowing. I started by prepping a Push Ups icecream box with Gesso, wall texture, and matte medium for all 7 of my cards. This, watercolor and Oddball Stamps, are literally the only things I really repeat on each ATC. There are different jumping off points for each of the 7 days so I don't want to worry myself trying to make them coordinate, nor did I want to prep a card each day. So, Day 2's prompt is "Smash Something" which is perfect because my running resolution is to use up my stas...